Friday, December 28, 2007


Merry Christmas

The night before Christmas

Christmas morning

My mom would work extra jobs every year and keep a stash of bills in her purse. I never realized how much money she carried around in her purse. She used it to take me school clothes shopping, but it's primary purpose was for Christmas. My mother loved to splurge on Christmas. I mean, she received no greater satisfaction than watching us open our gifts and watching us recieve the coveted items we pined after. Actually I think she most enjoyed watching me and her grandkids, probably because I was the girl and grandkids are just ... extra special. She loved it so much she worked numerous extra hours in order to provide us with a storybook Christmas. I remember many Christmas mornings where I'd walk out to find Santa's gifts sitting out; a video game system, a VCR, a little TV. I remember My Little Ponies and Care Bears plus a stocking that was buldging with gifts and candy. The magic of Christmas, for me as a child, is so pervasive that I am passing it along to my children. I loved the feeling of Christmas. I loved the wonder and excitement of Santa Clause. I was older when I realized his true identity, but continue to believe in the Spirit of Santa. I hope my children capture and retain that same spirit. I can't imagine a life without the spirit of Santa as part of our Christmas tradition. We always begin Christmas the night before by opening one (sometimes two) gift. Growing up it was usually pajamas or a game. I miss my family and my childhood Christmas. I miss being able to celebrate with both my mom and dad, miss opening that first gift with them, miss my Santa Clauses. They continued to set out Santa gifts for me (and Ryan) for their entire lives.

This Christmas Madeline left Santa a little note. She drew a picture of him and left a short list of what she'd like. She left a plate of assorted goodies (candy cane, cookies and Santa shaped chocolate) with a glass of hot cocoa. She fell asleep quickly and woke up early. I am not sure of the exact time but I think it was around 4am. I coaxed her back to sleep. When she woke up she told me Santa had come and filled our stockings. She hadn't seen the gifts in our front room with the tree. We finally convinced her to go into that room and she couldn't stop screaching for joy. She told us that she thought she was too naughtly to receive gifts from Santa this year and she was surprised she got presents! She really believed she was going to get coal! What a goofball. Anyway, she really enjoyed Christmas this year. Santa brought Ryan a Wii, Madeline dress-up dresses and Barbies, Annie a bunny backpack, paints and pounding bench. Santa brought me a pair of new gloves and kabuki brush. We all had a fabulous Christmas. Maddie wanted to play Barbies ALL DAY LONG. That and Webkinz. The Webkinz website bombed on Christmas and is still not functioning. I'm more than a little frustrated about that, but I'll get over it.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Anna with Grandma

Maddie trying to prevent Anna-destructo

Posing with her (and Mary's) webkinz. She's looking into the sun.

Anna wanted to pose with the webkinz too

It's a Jolly Holiday

Just a quick post regarding the Holiday Exchange with Ryan's family on Saturday.

Everyone (Ron II, Mary, Ted, Tony, Grandpa and Grandma came over on Saturday. Ron II made dinner (beef rolls, herbed potatoes, steamed vegetable, mushroom pie and chocolate mousse). He started at 4pm and dinner was served around 7:30 after which we exchanged gifts. Madeline received Junior Scrabble Disney Edition from Gma and Gpa and Cranium Mask and Encyclopedia of Nature from Mary and Ted. Annalise received Architect Blocks and an Angel ornament from Mary and Ted, and a wooden train set from Gma and Gpa. We let Madeline open a couple of our gifts since she was having a strong urge to rip off wrapping paper (a unicorn Webkinz and a Robert Sabuda Christmas book). Madeline gave a teddy bear figurine to Gma and a foam football to Chloe the cat. (she earned money for two weeks and bought things from her school holiday shop). Ryan received an indoor grill from his secret santa (Ron Sr) and I received a pretty red/white vase and nail salon gift card from mine (Ted). After gifts we had the mousse. Annalise shared with Gma and I gave my cup to Madeline. I did get a little taste that was pretty yummy. The younger folks went to the bar after the festivities in order to buy additional holiday cheer. The older folks (Ryan and I) cleaned the house and put the girls to bed! Madeline wanted to wear her Cranium mask to Sunday School yesterday but unfortunately we wouldn't let her. We are such party poopers.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tis the season

I haven't been very good about writing lately so I wanted to provide a quick update. It's been hectic around our place. It seems like everyone wants to get everything done before the end of the year, everyone wants to get together one last time before the end of the year. Baking exchanges, potlucks, helping the kids make Christmas cards and gift for their teachers. It's all very exhausting. Next year I think I will designate the Thanksgiving holiday for making teacher cards and gifts. I should become a little more like Scrooge and be less willing to participate in every potluck and cookie exchange. Though my co-worker tells me I should put on a happy face because it's scientifically proven to better my mood. But what about the added stress of participating in all of this crap? Okay, back to the point of my message, which is to update you on the girls!

Madeline is very spirited. She has energy that would be priceless if bottled and distributed. She has a few great interests which are 1. playing Barbies or Polly Pockets, 2. Playing with our neighbor MacKenzie (she's a 5th grader) and 3. Playing Webkinz. She loves her Barbies. She loves dressing (with SHOES) her Barbies. Shoes are very important to Madeline. We bought a pair of white Barbie shoes at a craft show this fall and she uses them every time. She wished she had loads more shoes for her Barbies. Apparently she's going to be a shoe-girl. She still loves to dress up. I think she'd love a cape. Some kind of cape (white maybe with frillies on it). She loves to accessorize with "fancy" stuff. I wish I had more time to paint her nails because she's really into nail polish and make up (as Mary discovered at Whole Foods last week - where Mary put "Roxanne" red lipstick on her lips) Madeline turns to me and says excitedly "people will think I am older!" (imagine that with a great big smilely expression on her face) Madeline is reading very well. In fact I think she's going to read a poem/story for her "talent" at her dance studio Christmas party. Maddie did tell me that she'd like a new baby for Christmas (Oh Good Lord! Not as in a human baby, but a baby-doll) She said that her Baby Lila is a little too big and she'd like a smaller baby. I think she loves Baby Lila and all of her baby functionality, just a little smaller. Baby Lila (by Corelle) cries, has a pacifier that stops crying, drinks from a bottle making swallow noises and laughs when you tickle her tummy. She told me this kindof late in the game so I never looked for a new baby-doll for her. Baby Lila is 15 or 18 inches. I think Maddie would like a 12" baby-doll.

Madeline was fitted for her flower girl dress last weekend. She's very very excited about being the flower girl in Mary and Ted's wedding. She's very excited that Ted will "become" her uncle.

As for Annalise - she loves her pegs; putting them together and ripping them apart. She loves anything that makes music (aka: noise). There was a ball-toy thingy at a toy store. She puts the ball in the top, it rolls down the slide all while making copious amounts of noise. There were farm animals too that made noises when put in the correct stalls. Anyway, you get the jist. She seems to like interactive noisy toys, but who wouldn't?! We were hoping to aviod anything made in China so we could avoid looking at the endless recall lists. I didn't knowingly buy her anything from China but it just stinks that the toys she most enjoys are from China. Anyway, it's a soapbox item. Anna has nine teeth. A stubborn tenth on the bottom refuses to come in so she has three little teeth on the bottom. She crossbites occassionally because it's uneven on the bottom. She doesn't do it often and it looks like she's just feeling around with her teeth. She is talking a lot. She says night night, cat, kitty (kee), dog, ball, hi, momma, dada, Maddie, yum yum and a number of other promted words. She shakes her head no and yes to communicate. She runs and loves to dance. She does a cute little happy feet dance where she does a little jig with her feet. It's cute.

Last week I presented to the Department of Roads for a trails grant on behalf of the city and we were awarded a $500,000 grant. I prepared some maps for the grant as well. That was pretty exciting because the Public Works Department has tried for three years to get this grant approved. I'd like to think it was my involvement that got us the grant. Actually I am just going to go with that. It was me! :)

Ryan is planning a trip to Virginia soon in order to punchlist his federal courthouse. Poo on his job.

We celebrate this weekend with Ryan's family for the holiday gift exchange. They're coming to our house and Ron will prepare a meal. It will be nice to keep the girls at home with their toys and let everyone come over to our place.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Santa at Regency

Santa at the City holiday activities

Anna at the gallery playing while Maddie made cards

Madeline making a card for the military overseas

Anna on Thanksgiving with the Horners