Wednesday, April 16, 2008

18 month checkup

It's hard to believe my little mini-munchkin is now more than 18 months old. Annalise had her checkup on Monday where she weighed in at 22.10 pounds (23rd percentile - up from the 21st percentile last time) and somewhere around 31 inches tall. She still hates the doctors office. She had ONE vaccination and has not shown any reaction. I really think the doctor was shocked that she actually GOT a vaccine. We're considering another vaccination in about a month. We'll see. We have lots of time before kindergarten! She still loves her mommy cuddle time. She is growing fond of Grandma Jolene who has come over often to help watch the girls. She has a vibrant personality that shines when she's with her family. Her vocabulary is growing rapidly. She regularly says: more, up, 'elp, puppy, go weeeee, outside, mommy, dada and cookie (she knows what is really important). She will call Maddie to help set the table for dinner. "MADDIEEEEEEE" really loud. She must know Madeline has a hearing problem! She is so much fun and always busy.

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