Friday, November 24, 2006

8 weeks and Happy Black Friday!

Today is one of the most anticipated days of the entire year. Ryan headed out this morning at 4:30 to hit the Black Friday sales. This is my second year out. I told Ryan that next year I am going and we'll have a sitter come over. We did not have a big list of things to get, so it was a quick trip. The other BIG event for today is getting our Christmas tree. I can't wait! We are going to visit my mom too, since we didn't get to do that yesterday.

We had a cozy Thanksgiving meal at home with the 4 of us. We made most of the trimmings and Maddie was very good about trying everything. The only thing she didn't like was the stuffing. Ryan put up the Christmas lights and it looks great.

Anna is 8 weeks old today which means shots are imminent. Monday is her visit to the pediatrician where she will be given 4 shots. She is pretty sensitive to pain, so the visit will be full of tears. Anna is no longer getting bottles at night which means I am no longer pumping. It is nice to be "off the pump" but I am a little more tired since she gets up for an additional feeding. She has a least one 4 hour long stint between feedings and the rest are usually 3 hours. I am sure she will be sleeping longer pretty soon. She is sleeping in her crib. I hope that she will be able to use the co-sleeper soon, but she's not on board with that yet. :)

Maddie is sleeping in until 9 nearly everyday and having a lot of fun staying home. Yesterday she did say that "if we didn't have a baby: you and dad could sleep more and we wouldn't have to listen to crying". After covering all of the good points of having a sister she decided that it was better having her around than not. Since Anna is getting more alert, smiling and cooing Maddie is enjoys her more. Ahh, the joys of adjustment.

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