Monday, May 14, 2007

I want my mom

As I walked through my house this morning I stumbled over the everyday reminders of my motherhood; a tube of diaper cream, tub toys, tiara’s, teddy bears, and a teeny knit sock the size of my big toe. I absolutely love being a mom. I wouldn’t trade the sleepless nights, slobbery kisses, sweet “I love you mommy” and bear hugs, for anything. Being a mother is the most selfless act of love and I am overjoyed to have the opportunity to love these two beautiful girls.

I often wonder what my own mother felt as she raised me. Did she have a sense of wonder and life as I grew? Did I make her laugh daily, as my own daughters do? Did she know that I loved her? I can only assume that she experienced the same feelings as do I.

Madeline loves to cuddle at night. She asks me to cuddle with her every night after reading books. I occasionally oblige and snuggle up under she sheets, pull her close to me and squeeze her right, sniff her hair (which no longer has that sweet baby smell) and think “this is the best moment of my life”. Later in the evening as I hold Anna close and sniff her smelly baby head I wonder :how did I get so lucky, to have these two precious babies that love their mama so much?”.

When I walk out of a room Anna starts to squeal and continues to protest until I return. Even though she can’t talk, she speaks clearly in her love for her mama. She has a sense of calm when she sits close to me, preferably touching. She doesn’t even need to be looking at me, but if she can feel my skin, she’s content. It’s a good feeling to be needed and loved so greatly.

At the end of the day I realize that the most important way we can live on is through our children. We will someday die, but our children, and their children will live on.

We all have an innate need for our mothers, even after they’ve gone.

1 comment:

Our Family said...

This is beautiful Becky.