Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Annie's new phrase is uh-oooooohhhhh. It's cute. She waves, says dog, mama, dada, cat, and that. She points to an object and asks "that" so we tell her what it is. She did moo when I showed her a cow last night. Her vocabulary is growing a lot right now. She is walking a lot more now. I guess she decided it's time to get off the ground and that walking really is better. She still loves to stick everything in her mouth. I pulled a piece of foam out of her mouth this morning before I fed her. She loves to be doing anything the big kids are doing. Last night she colored pictures with the Daisy troup and pretended to paint a pumpkin just like them. Then, of course, she ate the remaining portion of Madeline's cupcake. You know, the part WITHOUT the frosting. Anna loves sweets just like her mom. Thank goodness the girls got that from me. I need someone to eat my treats.

Madeline can now write sentences. She's very good at sounding out words and identifying the different sounds in the word. Today she had to write a sentence about a pumpkin that she drew. She wrote "It is a Halloween pumpkin". I know it's not rocket science but she's doing well. She is well above her peers. Art classes continue to go well. The teacher has repeatedly noted her natural artistic talent. She enjoys her weekly Spanish lessons and is working on the different sounds in the alphabet. She joined Daisy's. I wasn't too keen on that but she wanted to try it out for awhile to see if she liked it. She's had two meetings so far. Yesterday's meeting was actually a Halloween party. I secretly hope Daisy's is a short lived membership because I am not really into the Girl Scout thing (even though I was in it as a child). I did agree to help them with any government, city planning, or mapping patches that they might want to earn. Dance class continues. She'll have a recital in May.

We attended conferences for Madeline last week. We found out that Madeline is very social *shocker*, that she doesn't like to follow directions *again, shocker* and often has trouble keeping her mitts to herself and staying in her seat *wow, that came out of left field*. She's doing well in all of her subjects (math, social studies, reading and science). Ryan was in Las Vegas yesterday and during dinner the babysitter (8th grade) said she was doing a report on Egypt. Madeline said something about not knowing much about Egypt. Sarah (the sitter) said "you'll learn about Egypt sometime" and then I asked Maddie if she knew anything about Egypt. She propmtly replied "Tombs, mummies and pyramids. The mummies have white wraps on them". I think Sarah just about fell off her chair. I kindof chuckled because of her reaction. It was probably the Magic Treehouse books that reminded Madeline of Egypt but who knows. Regardless, Madeline is doing well. She still needs to be evaluated by the High Ability Learner liason at the school. Obviously, we believe she'll be noted as gifted and receive additional challenges through the HAL program. At this point I don't think there's any subject that is more difficult than the others. She does need to work on the names of letters in the alphabet because the Montessori program ingrained the idea of "sounds" rather than "names" of letters. So she can read perfectly well, but couldn't spell out the word for you using the names of the letters as easily. Once we spend a little bit of time on it I am sure she'll pick it up right away.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Visit with relatives and Boo at the Zoo

Dinner with the relatives after the Sunday baby shower for Sarah

Madeline DOES have a serious side. She smiled 1 second after the flash.

The willow tunnels

Annalise enjoyed boo at the zoo after she woke up

THERE's the smile we know and love.


Madeline and I at the Spooktacular event Saturday evening

Annalise and Ryan taking a walk

Madeline jumping onto the slide on the obstacle course.

Tinkerbell at her finest.

Halloween Party

Party food, Sarah and Lissa in the background

Kids party good. Jumbo cookies, cupcakes, juice and milk

The kids (Blake is the vampire)

Playing the scavenger hunt (Sophie's mom helped)

Madeline and her best friend Kara (the Ice Queen)

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Does everyone have one of those "blackmail" photos from their childhood? You know, the one where you're either sporting the worlds worst hairdo or outfit, or better; you're buck naked?

I do.

I was around 2 or 3 years old. I can't ask my mom how old I was and there's no guarantee that she would have remembered anyway. I had received one of those plastic spring horses as a birthday gift and was thereafter nicknamed "Lady Godiva" for obvious reasons. I had/have a real obsession for horses. It's one of my "romantic" ideas to be horseback riding through a field. Anyway, I loved to ride my spring horse sans clothing. It's the the ultimate childhood accomplishment to be able to combine your two favorite things; running around naked with riding horses. Lady Godiva thought it was a good idea too! I think that's why it was so important for my mom to buy Madeline her plastic spring horse. I remember being so irritated by that gift for Madeline because it took up so much room. But I realize now that it must have been so satisfying for my mom to give it to her, remembering my personal love for my own spring horse. I am so glad she bought it for Maddie. She still rides it, more than two years after she received it from my mom. I wish I could have been more understanding of my mom's perspective that I can only now grasp after she's gone.

I haven't been able to get a photo of Madeline doing the "Lady of Godiva" but that doesn't mean that Madeline doesn't like to streak through the house. I mean, honestly, who doesn't like to streak a little now and then. Anna seems to have inherited that love, as she gets out of the bathtub and runs for the hills before I can strap a diaper onto her bum.

It's hard going through this season because we're getting close to the one-year anniversary of my mom's death. I think about last year how she was holed up in the nursing home, I wasn't able to share Anna's birth with her, I wasn't able to celebrate any holidays with her. Last night Madeline became sad and told me she didn't want me to die. My poor baby has to worry about losing her parents because I lost mine. She's five and shouldn't have to worry about these kinds of things.

I have traditions that no longer feel "right" and the recent loss/ruin of two family objects that reminded me of both of my parents. But I do have memories and pictures. Blackmail pictures of me streaking through the house and riding on a spring horse.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Lessons learned

Madeline with her Tinkerbell wings

The lighted trampoline

Anna's artwork

The product of 375 degrees.

This past week has been busy as usual. Madeline started with her Spanish tutor and had her second art class. They're going very well and happen before dinnertime. Annie is getting better at walking and loves to scribble on paper now.

We (as in Ryan) did learn a few things this last week.
1. don't let Annie climb the stairs alone because although she is very good at it, she will cartwheel down the stairs and land on her head if you're not there.
2. don't hide plastic dishes in the oven and not tell anyone (me) about it because they burn when the oven is on 375 degrees.
3. flour will not put out an oven fire.
4. a fire extinguisher will.
5. (this one is all me) don't allow someone from church to take an important family heirloom platter home with them because they will be irresponsible and let their children break it.
6. 40 year old heirloom platters are impossible to replace.

I think that's enough life lessons for one week; you?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Another tooth makes seven!

four on the top and three on the bottom. I noticed it yesterday poking out on her lefthand side. I am guessing the lower second right one is on it's way.

Also she still has a lingering ear infection. She's on a new antibiotic now. Hopefully that will take care of it!

Monday, October 15, 2007


Annie's been taking steps for the last week. Starting last Saturday she's been going longer distances. We were practicing last night and she was walking across her bedroom toward the rocker. She was walking at daycare today too. She needs a goal but she can go pretty far. She's very good at stopping, balancing and starting again. She loves it when you give her lots of cheerleading praise. Anyway, just had to report that she's walking.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Fall weather arrives

It's so nice outside now that we're into the 60-70 degree weather. Fall is my favorite.

I thought I should update you since Anna's one-year appointment last week. She's 19 pounds 12 ounces, 28.5 inches long. She's in the 25th percentile for both height and weight and in the 75th percentile for head circumference. Her weight hasn't changed much in the last few months, which they believe is due to her increased mobility. She burns a lot of calories moving around. She is very active. She doesn't like to walk alone though. She prefers to hold, tightly, onto your fingers and practically run around the house. Due to her lack of weight gain her sizing has stabilized and now she wears the size of her age (i.e. 12 months old = 12 months clothes) It's nice because she's fitting better into Maddie's old clothes) Her ear is still a little infected and I am going to have her re-checked because I think she needs another antibiotic. She has been crabby lately so she may be working on her molars.

She now usually takes only one daily nap during the week but on the weekend she usually takes about three each day. She now takes a sippy cup in the afternoon for one of her feedings. She doesn't drink as much as I'd like her too, but I think she'll get used to it soon. She does fine though without the nursing session.

Madeline is doing well. She writes so many words and can write many more just by sounding them out. Her writing skills are phenomenal. She started art class this week. It took her awhile to warm up to the teacher. The teacher said she can tell Madeline gets her talent from Ryan and that she has a lot of natural ability and is very detail oriented. Now we just need to work on her dedication. ha ha

Ryan was in Virginia earlier this week. It may be the first time his flights were all on schedule. We attended an awards banquet for our chamber of commerce that was very nice and we met some wonderful new people.

This weekend Maddie has dance class and a pool birthday party. We're going to the zoo on Sunday. I decided Maddie could have a Halloween party this year too. We had one two years ago. This one will include her entire kindergarten class and a few other friends besides. I am catering the party with hours de oeuvres and desserts. (thank GOD I won't be making everything myself like I usually do - I don't have the energy for that anymore!) I hope to get to know several of the parents better. It should be fun.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Anna still has a fever and is not feeling too great. She went to the doctor today where we discovered an ear and eye infection. She's now on oral antibiotics and eyedrop antibiotics. She has a nasty cough and a puffy draining eye (which was totally matted shut this morning)

And on an unrelated note, my mom's estate was finalized yesterday. Nine months after her departure the court made closure. If only our emotions were so easily closed.

Monday, October 1, 2007

All about Annie

I thought I should update her milestones since she just had her birthday. Today she took a step by herself. She's very close to walking but not quite sure if she trusts herself yet. She can stand in one place for a long time, but then lowers herself to the ground when she's ready to go forward. She is physically capable of walking, but you can tell by her expression that it's a little scary for her.

She drinks out of a sippy cup very well, when I remember to give it to her. She still nurses about 7 times each day. She eats her food really well and prefers feeding herself. Her favorite fruit is raspberry. I am not sure what her favorite veggie would be; she tends to change her taste daily. It's like she thinks "I am not in the mood for that today" I think she's going through a growth spurt this past week or so. She has a fever and a cold right now. I am a little worried that her fever indicates a secondary infection so we'll be keeping a close eye on her the next day or so. She will stay home with us tomorrow as well.

She "talks" to us, points at things she's interested in (like her new Care Bear book). She say's "that" but clearly doesn't have a clue what "that" means, just that her mouth can say it when she points at something. She understands a lot more words than she can say. If I ask her "where's the kitty" she will look all over like crazy for the cat. She LOVES the kitties. She can walk behind a walking toy and regulate the speed really well. (when Maddie had the same toy she always fell forward because she couldn't manage her weight very well - Ryan had to tape the wheels so it went slower) She does really well at keeping it slow even though the wheels spin pretty fast on the cork floors.

She's been pretty good at taking a longer stretch of sleep at night; around 5-6 hours. Since she's sick she doesn't go longer than 4, but hopefully she'll get over the cold soon.

She loves to play with her sister, cuddle with mom and get tickled by dad. She's a very happy baby. She hasn't been screaming lately either, which is a Godsend! There you have it; Annalise in a nutshell!