Thursday, February 21, 2008


Over the past several weeks, the topic of marriage has been rolling around our house. Perhaps a couple decades early, but Madeline has been thinking about this recently, probably because of Aunt Mary's wedding fast approaching.

Over several of these conversations, we discuss who can and cannot be married, why people get married, and now with Maddie's new favorite move "Annie", why Ms. Flannagan wants men to love her.

On the way to pick up our own Annie from daycare a couple days ago, the topic came up again. Maddie asked why Ms. Flannagan wanted men to love her. And we discussed that when you get older, men want the love of women and women want the love of men. Then Maddie asked why can't women marry women and men marry men. Then we discussed that in some states couples of the same sex can marry, but our state is not one of them. She asked why, which I responded that a long time ago, the state decided that only a man and woman should marry, and they haven't changed that law to say otherwise. Usually this is where we move on to other topics. But then she said that it should be state law that dads had to marry their daughter. Which for a long time, Maddie has said that she wants to marry me, so it was a little funny, but quite serious for her. We usually laugh about this one, but today I said, well what if the dad doesn't want to marry the daughter. Which she replied that it would be good to say that they don't have to marry each other, but it should say that they can.

Maddie is a good conversationalist. ryan.

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