Sunday, June 17, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Fireworks on Friday

Cowboy Dave in the parade

Ice cream cones at DQ

At the mall

Maddie's school picnic

More mall pictures "Yes, Sir!"

At home

At the carnival

Happy Birthday!

Lots to report. Last weekend Saturday we went downtown. We had a picnic in Gene Layhee Mall. I got POOPED on by a bird. It really wasn't a big deal. It was off with one wipe but it was funny! I remember my mom telling me a story about a time she was pooped on right on her head. Thankfully mine was just on the back of my shirt and must have been from a very small bird. Either that or only part of it hit me. We stopped at some art studios and watched glass blowing and met another woodcarving artist.

Last Sunday we celebrated Mary and Ryan's birthday at our house. It was a potluck style dinner. We grilled brats and made burgers and dogs. It was fun and the girls enjoyed having the family over. Mary, Ted and Maddie jumped in the trampoline with the sprinkler. I got pretty wet myself, especially when Mary and Maddie chased me with the sprinkler. Well, that and the supersoakers.

Last Friday we had a picnic lunch at Maddie's school after which she came back to my work. She was a little bored but enjoyed driving my co-worker Michelle nuts.

Saturday our friend Eileen came over for lunch and to the city parade. It was roasty and I have a nice sunburn to prove it. We surprised Ryan with an hour long massage before the parade. We left the parade a little early and ended up at Dairy Queen for ice cream before we went to PF Changs for dinner. Eileen was able to come out to dinner too. It was a fun day!

Today we spent several hours at the carnival. Maddie rode every ride she could. She's now 42 inches which, in the carnival world, is like the Golden Ticket into everything cool yet not scary. Her next milestone will be 48 inches when she can go on scary rides too. She told us she wanted to go on the Zero Gravity ride but after watching it briefly she changed her mind. It wouldn't have mattered because you have to be 48 inches to ride that one. After the carnival we headed over to the pool and spent a good 2.5 hours swimming. Anna had fun playing in the water. We're now extremely POOPED! Happy weekend to everyone!

This week should just be a boring ole week for us. Nothing exciting going on that I know of. :)

Oh, almost forgot! Anna started saying mama last Wednesday or Thursday (I can't remember which). The garden is doing well. We harvested peas a couple of times already. We have peppers and yellow squash and the kalrhabis are getting big. The beans are blooming so we'll have beans in about a week. We did have a casualty. Yesterday we found a ground squirrel tied up in our netting around the berries. He was strangled. It was sad and Maddie requested a burial.

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