Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Five YEars Ago...

I had Madeline Sue on July 16. We celebrated her life on Saturday with a tea party. Nine of her friends came to the party. Everyone loved the clown, who painted their faces with butterflies and dolphins.

Recap on last week... Ryan went to Vegas on Monday and Grandma JoLene came over to help. Anna had a high fever all last weekend through Tuesday. She wasn't eating or sleeping well. I stayed home with her to offer her food at every opportunity. Finally on Tuesday evening she started eating again. As her teeth come in she's not nursing very well, but still growing like a chub chub.

I worked on Maddie's party all week, as did Ryan. Everything came together. Aunt Mary spent the afternoon with Anna during the party and Grandma JoLene and Grandpa came over to the party as well. We had a "family" celebration yesterday on her birthday and she opened her presents from us. I took two naps over the weekend to recover from the whole party shindig and I am STILL tired from the whole ordeal!

Anna is standing and starting to cruise around things. She loves being up. She still sticks everything in her mouth which is why we're replacing the downstairs carpet with cork in the next few weeks. It's all sitting at home waiting for Ryan to install :) Lucky Ryan!!!

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