Friday, November 9, 2007


It's been one year of posting on this blog now. I just thought of that as I wrote the title of this blog.

Anna is trying to get over a nasty cold. I've seen enough boogers for the rest of the year! Madeline got a cough from it, but really didn't get congested. I got a little sore throat and some congestion but nothing too bad. Ryan did get any of it. Figures! This past week Anna missed two days of daycare.

Madeline informed me yesterday that she had gotten two papercuts on her fingers and needed to stay home from school. I was speechless, and went back to getting ready for work. Last Sunday Madeline finished a six week program for Sunday School. They did a little singing. Maddie had a friend, Jamie, over to play last week also. Jamie told me that our food tastes different because it's vegetarian and normal people food is different AND that she read that in the newspaper. By the way they ate mac and cheese, pickles, tater tots, cooked carrots and beets. I did tell her that those foods are always vegetarian but they may be a different brand than she's used to. She was pretty funny though.

Last weekend Madeline told me that she's never going to change a dirty diaper. I told her that she would have a baby someday and would probably need to change its diaper. She informed me that her husband is always going to change the diapers. I will have to make sure and tell that to all of her dating prospects! That may be a pretty effective tool for me to use on any unworthy loser who tries to date her! :) Maddie's got expectations man and if you can't handle them; take off!

Annie walks everywhere now and is picking up speed. She talks more too. She signs "all done" when she's done with dinner. She enjoys pulling on earrings so make sure to protect your ears if you're holding her. She also broke a glass last night by getting her ubber sticky fingers onto the edge of one and tipping it over off the counter. All while I was holding her. So there you have it: Annie has go-go gadget fingers!

This weekend Audrey is coming over to play. That's all folks!

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