Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Annie never ceases to amaze us. While we were all sitting together on our bed getting the girls ready for bedtime someone asked a question like this... "who wants to go..." Annie shot up her hand really fast and shouted "Meeeee". It was just about the cutest thing since Madeline was a baby. So we proceeded to ask more things like "who..." and Annie never failed to shoot up her hand and shout "meee!". I told Ryan we needed to get it on video. I will try to get that added here in the next day or so.

In other news we found out our neighbor lost his sister at 51 years and our good friends the Riviera's are leaving for a year to help out with a family need in New Jersey. We'll be keeping all of them in our thoughts in the coming days.

As for work, I may be on the edge of wishing I was actually not working there. We'll see how it pans out. I knew the day would come when my power and endurance were tested and that day is definitely here. We'll see who the last person standing is and how many people are there to support me. I just hope that I don't get an ulcer from the ordeal. Tomorrow I get a nice deep tissue massage to help ease the stress. It may become a regular appointment.

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