Monday, October 1, 2007

All about Annie

I thought I should update her milestones since she just had her birthday. Today she took a step by herself. She's very close to walking but not quite sure if she trusts herself yet. She can stand in one place for a long time, but then lowers herself to the ground when she's ready to go forward. She is physically capable of walking, but you can tell by her expression that it's a little scary for her.

She drinks out of a sippy cup very well, when I remember to give it to her. She still nurses about 7 times each day. She eats her food really well and prefers feeding herself. Her favorite fruit is raspberry. I am not sure what her favorite veggie would be; she tends to change her taste daily. It's like she thinks "I am not in the mood for that today" I think she's going through a growth spurt this past week or so. She has a fever and a cold right now. I am a little worried that her fever indicates a secondary infection so we'll be keeping a close eye on her the next day or so. She will stay home with us tomorrow as well.

She "talks" to us, points at things she's interested in (like her new Care Bear book). She say's "that" but clearly doesn't have a clue what "that" means, just that her mouth can say it when she points at something. She understands a lot more words than she can say. If I ask her "where's the kitty" she will look all over like crazy for the cat. She LOVES the kitties. She can walk behind a walking toy and regulate the speed really well. (when Maddie had the same toy she always fell forward because she couldn't manage her weight very well - Ryan had to tape the wheels so it went slower) She does really well at keeping it slow even though the wheels spin pretty fast on the cork floors.

She's been pretty good at taking a longer stretch of sleep at night; around 5-6 hours. Since she's sick she doesn't go longer than 4, but hopefully she'll get over the cold soon.

She loves to play with her sister, cuddle with mom and get tickled by dad. She's a very happy baby. She hasn't been screaming lately either, which is a Godsend! There you have it; Annalise in a nutshell!

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