Friday, October 12, 2007

Fall weather arrives

It's so nice outside now that we're into the 60-70 degree weather. Fall is my favorite.

I thought I should update you since Anna's one-year appointment last week. She's 19 pounds 12 ounces, 28.5 inches long. She's in the 25th percentile for both height and weight and in the 75th percentile for head circumference. Her weight hasn't changed much in the last few months, which they believe is due to her increased mobility. She burns a lot of calories moving around. She is very active. She doesn't like to walk alone though. She prefers to hold, tightly, onto your fingers and practically run around the house. Due to her lack of weight gain her sizing has stabilized and now she wears the size of her age (i.e. 12 months old = 12 months clothes) It's nice because she's fitting better into Maddie's old clothes) Her ear is still a little infected and I am going to have her re-checked because I think she needs another antibiotic. She has been crabby lately so she may be working on her molars.

She now usually takes only one daily nap during the week but on the weekend she usually takes about three each day. She now takes a sippy cup in the afternoon for one of her feedings. She doesn't drink as much as I'd like her too, but I think she'll get used to it soon. She does fine though without the nursing session.

Madeline is doing well. She writes so many words and can write many more just by sounding them out. Her writing skills are phenomenal. She started art class this week. It took her awhile to warm up to the teacher. The teacher said she can tell Madeline gets her talent from Ryan and that she has a lot of natural ability and is very detail oriented. Now we just need to work on her dedication. ha ha

Ryan was in Virginia earlier this week. It may be the first time his flights were all on schedule. We attended an awards banquet for our chamber of commerce that was very nice and we met some wonderful new people.

This weekend Maddie has dance class and a pool birthday party. We're going to the zoo on Sunday. I decided Maddie could have a Halloween party this year too. We had one two years ago. This one will include her entire kindergarten class and a few other friends besides. I am catering the party with hours de oeuvres and desserts. (thank GOD I won't be making everything myself like I usually do - I don't have the energy for that anymore!) I hope to get to know several of the parents better. It should be fun.

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