Monday, October 22, 2007

Lessons learned

Madeline with her Tinkerbell wings

The lighted trampoline

Anna's artwork

The product of 375 degrees.

This past week has been busy as usual. Madeline started with her Spanish tutor and had her second art class. They're going very well and happen before dinnertime. Annie is getting better at walking and loves to scribble on paper now.

We (as in Ryan) did learn a few things this last week.
1. don't let Annie climb the stairs alone because although she is very good at it, she will cartwheel down the stairs and land on her head if you're not there.
2. don't hide plastic dishes in the oven and not tell anyone (me) about it because they burn when the oven is on 375 degrees.
3. flour will not put out an oven fire.
4. a fire extinguisher will.
5. (this one is all me) don't allow someone from church to take an important family heirloom platter home with them because they will be irresponsible and let their children break it.
6. 40 year old heirloom platters are impossible to replace.

I think that's enough life lessons for one week; you?

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