Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend Summary Report

Even though I don't have time to write, here I am updating you all on the blog. I guess that just goes to show you that people will still do what they want regardless of priority!

Madeline and Annalise started swimming lessons this past weekend. For Annie it was just another day swimming with the added strange person watching her during her swim, which she did NOT appreciate. She really didn't care for the instructor. Even though she sees her in the kiddie room all the time. Madeline did fantastic. She learned to freestyle and work on other techniques. She is very excited to tell everyone that she skipped level 3. She is the youngest in her class. She told me "everyone else can touch the bottom of the pool!".

Ryan took Friday off and has been working almost nonstop on the storm shelter. I think all of the framing is up. I believe the next step is to install the steel sheets, but don't quote me on that. Hopefully it will be completed by the end of next weekend.

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