Tuesday, August 14, 2007


From the moment of birth, the ensuing cries
come the inevitable start of goodbyes.

Goodbye umbilical cord stump, fuzzy fur,
goodbye lanugo, winkles and cradle cap.

Goodbye teeny cries, scooting, crawling,
babbling, and grunting. Goodbye rice cereal,
pureed foods.

No more rocking and nuzzling. Goodbye tiny
bites and breastmilk. No more biting, hitting
and crying. Goodbye sleeping on back.

Goodbye diapers and afternoon nap. So long
daycare, stroller, carseat and training wheels.

No need for band-aid patrol, close supervision.
Goodbye "mommy" and "daddy", dress-up and

Goodbye Barbies, dolls and finger paints. Cherish
them while they are young, because goodbyes come
too quickly.

Hello daughters; my loves, my life, my girls.

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