Friday, August 24, 2007

Nearly 11 months

Annie is almost 11 months old. She loves to pull up and cruise a little bit. She loves to scrunch up her face to smile (and looks a little like Popeye). She is extremely fast on all fours, is a daredevil and active. She can go up and down the stairs, babbles a lot and is still very smiley. She easily occupies herself in the playroom with musical instruments and markers. She loves to chew on an emery board in the playroom. She doesn't like to sit and listen to books, but enjoys lifting flaps on books and occassionally feeling a "touch and feel" book. She eats like a horse and loves broccoli. Raspberries and broccoli are her favorites. She is still cloth diapered and nursed. She eats two meals daily and a couple of snacks too. She loves to poke her index finger into her mouth while she's nursing, which is of course counterprodictive to the whole idea of nursing. I guess she's just trying different things to see what happens.

She lost a little weight since she became a speed-demon crawler. I think she's alomost 19 pounds. She was closer to 20 before.

Maddie made some new friends at school; Jamie and Lissa. Maddie had a play date with Lissa last week. The two girls drug us to each other after school one day so we could "meet" and plan the playdate. We'll probably see Lissa this weekend after our houseguests leave. Maddie wants to have her over for dinner. I am not sure what is the significance of dinner but for some reason it has high importance for Madeline.

Ryan just got back from Virginia. He had some trouble in Chicago due to the tornadoes yesterday. He finally made it back at 830 this morning (he was due back at 6:50 last night). I came down with a fever and have chills. I guess I caught a bug. We have friends from Peoria coming this evening and staying through Sunday. We hope to have some fun with them while they're here. That's all for us. Nanu nanu.

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