Monday, January 28, 2008

16 months

So I am a day early posting, but since I had Blogger on my mind I decided to post now!

Anna is now going through a language explosion. I don't even know if I can write all of the words she says, because there are so many, but here are a few new ones. She says Elmo, Ernie, and mimics everything you say. She says moo if you ask her what a cow says. She is very good at associating the actual word with the item too. If you ask her to point to Elmo, she will and repeat his name. She loves to sing and do the actions for I'm a Little Teapot, Pat-a-Cake and Itsy Bitsy Spider.

We went to Lincoln on Saturday to meet up with our friend Sarah and her two girls; Sofia and Adriana. We met for lunch and went to the play center near the zoo. We saw Brian and Erin's triplets (Will, Xander and Grace) at the play center. Grandma and Grandpa take them out on Saturdays. They're cute! Madeline had a blast with Sofia (who just turned 7). Madeline watched her MixMax on the way home and we enjoyed the peace and quiet.

Anna had a tough weekend. Friday she came home early because the daycare thought she had pinkeye. We started treating that right away on Friday with some drops, Saturday night around midnight Anna puked all over Ryan a few times. He thought she'd gagged on phlem so he let me feed her and then she puked all over me. Right before she puked I said to Ryan "are you sure she doesn't have the stomach flu? Because, you know, it's going around" then as if on cue: PUKE. There's nothing like a complete wardrobe change at midnight! She didn't keep pedialite down at first but by 8am she was ready to have her belly filled with mommymilk, which stayed down nicely. Thank goodness. I was looking at the prospect of driving to work to get my pump. ick!

Sunday afternoon she came down with a low grade fever. She has a runny nose, but it'st not too bad. She's home with Ryan this morning and I will go stay with her after my dentist appointment. Madeline has managed (knock on wood) to stay healthy the entire school year. I hope that continues! Ryan felt ill last night and went to bed early. He was fine this morning so it may have been sympathy pains. That always happens with Ryan! Meanwhile, I managed to keep the ship floating.

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