Friday, January 19, 2007

Another day off work.

Ryan stayed home today since I got to teach a junior high city planning seminar. Anna is still recovering. She's had a rough go of it, but is a real trooper. She doesn't seem to be running a fever anymore. The blood and urine cultures did not grow so she's in the clear for the nasty stuff and just seems to have a viral infection. It looks like Maddie is getting a touch of it because she has a booger nose. She doesn't like it when I tell her that, so I reserve my comments for when she really needs to blow her nose.

Anna is 16 weeks now and she probably could have cereal, but we're going to wait since she's not feeling well. She has her 4 month check up on the 29th.

Maddie enjoyed a couple days at home while her sister was home. She watched movies and played in her playroom.

This weekend I am going scrapbooking (tonight) and two friends are coming up from Lincoln to spend time with me. It should be a good time.

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