Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy New Year

Today was my first day back at work, Madeline's first day back to school and Annalise's first day at daycare. We all did very well. Maddie was very happy to get back, I loved being at work again and Anna did great. I fed her three times during the day so I was able to cuddle and love her a lot. I am happy to be back in the routine. I think I was the only one happy to be at work today. My co-workers said they'd have preferred to be at home. Our next holiday is coming up in a week and a half.

Hope everyone's new year started out well. Oh I almost forgot. We received about 4 inches of snow on Sunday in just a few hours. It was quite a storm! Maddie had a great time running around in the snow and sledding down our backyard. She did have one minor accident when she ran into the fence at the bottom of our yard; she had a swollen lip for a couple of hours. She rebounded quickly. We were surprised when we came home from dropping off Amanda and Spencer because our wonderful neighbor had cleared our driveway and sidewalks! I found out later that two of the neighbors had a friendly argument about who was going to get to clear it. Gotto love great neighbors!

1 comment:

Our Family said...

Glad to hear that the transition back to work and daycare for the girls went so well! I'll look forward to emailing you from work again soon!
