Friday, March 9, 2007

Imaginary Friend

On the way to school a couple of weeks ago Madeline tells me she has an imaginary friend. I've never had an imaginary friend, though I've heard about them mostly on cartoons and in the comics. I am very interested in learning more about these elusive "friends" so I asked her to tell me what she looks like. Madeline, very seriously, states "I don't know". Of course I have to ask "why" and she, very seriously, says "because she's invisible". Now we've always known Madeline to be a very logical and pragmatic child so this does keep in line with her general operative. But I am still very curious to know more about these invisible imaginary friends people sometimes have. I ask her what she says to Maddie to which she responds "nothing, she doesn't talk". Now I'm having a hard time keeping a straight face because I realize that Madeline must like the idea of having an imaginary friend and must have decided she was going to go ahead and get herself one of those "imaginary friends" just like D.W. Reed has on Arthur and some of the other cartoon characters have in stories we read. She then started to tell me some funny things about how everyone has two imaginary friends (a good one and a bad one); sortof like our conscience and the symbolic angel versus devil analogy. Madeline has a tendency to be extremely intuitive and very logical so this "imaginary friend" embdies just that. We've never talked about her friend since that day and I've come to realize that Maddie doesn't need any anti-psychotic medication and she's not seeing ghosts but in actuality she's just a person who wants to be like a cartoon caracter and thinks it would be cool if we all had a little extra good guidance and a little devil upon which to blame our mistakes; kind of like the rest of us. She did tell me her little naughty friend was attacking my good friend, so she's got a great imagination going on there mixed in with her very logical invisible, mute, imaginary friend.

Anna is 23 weeks today. She's had 4 experiences with cereal; all of which she enjoyed. It has not impacted her desire or ability to nurse well. She's beginning to get better balance when she sits up. She tripods and grabs for toys. One of her favorites is a rattle that has little pieces of pvc pellets inside and makes noise when she shakes it. She is a very happy content baby. We gave her a taste of sweet potatoes tonight. She loved them.

We've changed our routine a bit. I used to take Maddie to school and Ryan dropped off Anna. This caused me to backtrack on my way in to work, took me longer to get to work and used a lot more gas. Maddie had been asking Ryan to take her to school because she likes to ride in the car versus the truck. So now, Ryan takes Madeline and I take Anna. All I can say is that it's a wonderful change! I love only driving 5 minutes to work and Maddie loves getting to school before everyone else so she can do "work". She's starting to sprout; she's up a quarter inch since the last time I checked and her feet are getting bigger. Several pairs of shoes no longer fit. She brought home the cutest drawings yesterday; her people have curly hair! I need to scan and post these. I also have a drawing that she did a couple of weeks ago where she drew Arthur from memory, then wrote his name and her own (which is nothing new). She's been writing Dad, Daddy, Mom, Mommy and Anna recently as well.

Ryan is looking to make another trip to Virginia in the near future but a flight schedule has not been developed. In the meantime we're just enjoying the wonderfully warm weather beginning of spring.
Oh, I almost forgot! Tomorrow we're going to the Amazing Pizza Machine. It will surely be a blast!


Our Family said...

Becky, clearly your children are taking after their very intelligent parents! Post new pictures, I look forward to them!

Annalise and Madeline said...

nah, she's just a major goofball who continues to surprise us!