Monday, March 24, 2008

Ground Zero

Firefighter memorial wall

I've included a few pictures of the pit. The subway is constructed and running through the site. I thought about taking the subway through there to get an inside view but we didn't have time before meeting Steve and Slomeet (not sure if that's spelled right) for dinner. They were surprised when we showed up with two offspring. Slomeet is working for a law journal and Steve is working for a local architecture firm. They now live very far north on the island and no longer and the upper west side.

Ground zero was different than I had anticipated. There was a memorial viewing area with the names of the dead, as well as a memorial area with images from the event and days that followed and reconstruction plans. It was difficult to see into the pit at times. I did see the "stair" on an off-street but was talking with Slomeet and didn't have time to stop and photograph the stair. It was packaged up in a manner that made it difficult to see anyway. We weren't even 100% sure that it WAS the stair, but Slomeet and I felt that it probably was. There are several buildings still in the process of being torn down and renovated. One new building (#4) is already built. It's a very large area and I was able to get a sense of the event by being there. It probably feels differently for a person who isn't used to seeing the sky than someone like me, who looks at it all day long.

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