Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Visit to the Dentist

Annalise and Madeline had their dentist appointment yesterday. Annie was not very happy about the ordeal but did quite well. She is ready for brushing with an actual toothbrush, as opposed to the little rubbery finger brush we had been using. The dentist said her last 1-year molar is starting to poke through. Then, I think, she just has a few more teeth to come in; 2 year molars and (lateral?) incisors.

Madeline had new xrays taken, teeth checked, plaque scratched off and a sealant replaced (it popped out apparently). Unfortunately she does have a small cavity between two teeth which will be scraped out and filled in a few weeks. If history repeats itself, it should be an uneventful filling. She did well last time and will surely do well again. (she loved the laughing gas last time) We're committed to flossing better and will do whatever we need to, to make sure Maddie gets the hang of it.

OH, how could I forget! The dentist said Madelines two front bottom teeth are LOOSE! Maddie was VERY excited to hear this. She should be losing them pretty soon. Little did I know that one of the defining moments of Madeline's life would be losing her first teeth. She's been pining away for this moment for a couple of years now. It will be very exciting and Santa brought her a tooth fairy box just last December so she's all set!

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